Aide for Aranea

August 02 - August 04, 2019

Site was Kinsman Road - Grafton, NH.

Event Holders were Jordan Rousseau, David Velez, nathan cass.

Event Description
The nation of Aranea calls for aide from the heroes of the realms. Our people have traveled north in search of help and found the northern nations both strong and hospitable. We wish to return the favor of their hospitality but a curse lies upon our forest preventing most travel to and from parts of our homeland. Many remain lost and their families have given up hope of a safe return. The evil corrupting the region uses our own forest against us and we can not reason how to end their spell. I Alucard, Count of Aranea, beg the northern nations to bear this distant journey and lend their swords in defeating our nemesis. We know not our foes name but he has plagued our great forest for decades, to be rid of this hindrance would incur our deepest gratitude. A reward of gold and other treasures are promised to all who take part in lending our nation's aide.
Bring torches and bring your axes, the forest is ancient and full of surprises. 

Current Pcs pre-regged: 10
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