Tales of a Tea-totaler A Fool's Errand

April 22, 2023

Site was Aldersgate United Methodist Church - North Reading, MA.

Event Holder was Anna Hewitt.

Event Description
*handwritten and posted across the Realms*
~~You are cordially invited~~… 
~~Please join us in celebrating~~

I never really know how to start these things off, truthfully writing has never been my, but parties, now parties are my thing...anywho, Hedda & Irri say we need an official invitation for this so I guess here it is! 
Last Fall, during our visit to Voraniss I chatted with the two Rākṣasa who made an appearance (i’d like to clarify at the time, Boyd and I didn’t know they were THOSE Rākṣasa - Sorry Kindrianna) but during our talks i’m told one thing led to another and ultimately we invited them to join us for a Tea Party in Bones’citadel in Nagina, so here we are!
We’re hosting a Tea Party and we’d love for you to join us! We’ll have guests of honor, games & tricks, drinks & treats, and more! I bet Blackwood could probably use an assist with the trees made of fire and the creatures roaming around Bone’s castle too! (Thankfully he has been a bit preoccupied with that so we’ve had plenty of time to take over and set up a bunch of new decor!)
Proudly sponsored by Irri & Elizah’s Tarot and Tea! OH and Hedda says she is taking over the kitchen so there is sure to be delicious fare served throughout the day. So, whaddya say.. Will you join us? 
-Ser Elizah R. 

Please join us for a full packed day of teas, treats, tarot & more! 
What can you expect? 

Teas & Treats: 

~First Brew - 1:00 PM 
Turkey & Cheddar Tea Sandwiches with Apple Jam
Served with White Witch Tea from Bees & Teas

~Second Brew - 2:00 PM
Meringue Mushrooms
Served with Herbal Women’s Moon from Terra Basics 
**PLEASE NOTE; This tea contains herbs that may be dangerous for people who are pregnant, please reach out to an EH for accomodations.**

~Third Brew - 3:00 PM
Raspberry Scones
Served with Hocus Pocus Tea from Bees & Tees

~Fourth Brew - 4:00 PM
Lemon and Berry Tarts
Served with Apple Cinnamon Tea Blend from Terra Basics

~Fifth Brew - 5:00 PM
Baileys Espresso Bread Pudding
Served with Butterfly Pea Blossom Tea

Throughout the Party we'll be offering:
Iced Tea Green & Black
Deadly Grounds Coffee - Wicked Amaretto
Water & Pink Lemonade
Fresh Baked Breads served with Herbed Butter
Butternut Squash Soup
While we encourage you to bring your own favorite tea cup, we will have tea cups for rent or purchase with gold. 

Tarot and More: 
~Live Tarot Readings
~Build your own tea with our custom herb personality quiz.
~Test your faith in a series of carnival games!  Will luck be on your side?
~The Sweaty Owl Carnival & Casino will be running a series of different activities & table games. (Sponsored by the Clontarf Casino)
~Be sure to visit the head table and take your time meeting our esteemed guests of honor. 
~Bring your favorite stories and poems for our bardic competition!
~Pay your respects to your faiths, Diety’s, Gods or Goddesses at the dedicated alter. 
~Try your eye at spying some of the new decor and discovering the secrets they may hold. 
~Prepare your spells and swords, you never know when they can be handy! **Please note, there will be light combat throughout the event.**
~Pack your gold for our in-character auctions and vendors that may drop by!

**There will be a stacked deck poker tournament!** 
25 gold buy-in, 4000 chips. There is one 25 gold rebuy or add on that the player can buy at any time they wish. 25 gold will get you an additional 4000 chips. Rebuys will not be available after the first hour. When you first buy in, you will be given an opportunity to buy 1000 extra chips for 5 gold. This 5 gold will go directly to the dealer as a tip. standard blinds will be used.
Event Wrap-up
As the citadel clears and the guests depart with full bellies, the lights in the hall fade to red. The Fool nods in acknowledgement and heads on their way to see what Fate has in store for them next. Elizah, Hedda & Irri spend the evening putting Bones citadel back in order, the lack of chatter makes ignoring the ominous scratching coming from the basement hallway harder to ignore though they decided it best to leave that to Bones to investigate..

Now that a few days have past the Tales of a Tea-totaler staff wanted to extend our many thanks and appreciation for everyone who made this past weekend a possibility. What started as an idea from a small IC interaction came full circle and it wouldn't have been possible without all of you! 
The list of individuals to thank is lengthy but we could not have pulled this off without the assistance of Keith C., Ben L. & Matt H. being our full time NPCs prior to and throughout the event. Our part-time npcs who spent time dealing, tarrot reading, serving, cleaning and more throughout the day including; Greg F., Sean F., MJ R., Kelsey M., James M., Alyssa W., Katherine, B & those who stayed to help clean up after the event including Becky B. and Peter B. And last but certainly not least thank you to the players who came out and spent the day with us and engaged with our plot and ate our tasty treats. If you have a moment, we would appreciate any feedback or realmsnet reviews on the event. 

Thanks again, we look forward to being able to host another event in the future. 🫖✨
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