The Lost Ruins A Stonewood Quest

June 03, 2023

Site was M Duga's property - Granby, MA.

Event Holder was Travis Wilcox.

Event Description
A new set of ruine has been discovered!

Many odd artifacts have also been discovered to the excitement of the lord’s archaeologists. The largest item of note was a contraption or device that surfaced and is most likely of an arcane nature.

Unfortunately due to the proximity of the dark chapel and the denizen within not much investigating was possible by the original team of archaeologists.

You, grand Adventurers are being asked to further investigate the area and find out what you can about these devices.

Please note, that those who wish to help should be warned that agents of Malthael have also been spotted in that area. Great caution should be observed when traveling to and working in and around this area as it is deemed extremely dangerous at the best of times, and easily deadly to the brash or unwary.
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