Rhiassa Presents: Feast of the Leviathan XXV Homecoming
January 13, 2024
Site was JN Webster Boy Scout Camp - Ashford, CT.
Event Holder was Jason T Rosa.
Feastocrat was Lani Jones.
Event Description
Greetings my friends, As I woke up to the chill in the air this morning my thoughts immediately sprang forward to the days ahead. Soon we will begin preparing our lands and our kitchens for the Feast of the Leviathan. This annual Rhiassan feast is also a tradition from my homeland, one where we greet the long winter with a spirit of friendship and community and the resolve to endure until the warmth of spring greets us once again. As always, we plan to host the greatest of celebrations, of one another, of our community, and, this year, some very special occasions as well. This is the twenty-fifth Feast of the Leviathan, after all. A quarter-century of welcoming the people of The Realms to our halls. A quarter century of delicious meals, of grand announcements at court, of tournaments and games and enjoying one another's company within a cozy feast hall in the bleakest time of the year. That's certainly a thing worthy of celebration. And yet there is something further for which we have cause to rejoice. This year is the thirtieth since Sir Duncan and Lady Fallon set roots in these Realms and began the country of Rhiassa. Thus we will be dedicating our Feast this year to celebrating the long history and many accomplishments of our nation. We're thrilled to be extending special invitations to storied Rhiassan heroes of the past three decades and we hope that you will join us in thanking them for the strong foundation they created for us and built upon for so many years. So please, find your way to Southland this coming January and join together with us to celebrate our past and our future together. Both ours as the nation of Rhiassa, and all of ours as an enduring community that can boast traditions that stretch through the decades. Here's to twenty-five years of the Feast of the Leviathan, and to many, many more in the years to come. Leviathan with you, Lord Sir Aeston, Lady Dame Areni, and Lord Sir Gwen Stromgate
Event Wrap-up
Hello everyone, After a couple of days of clean-up and recovery I’m just now getting the chance to sit down and write my wrap up for the feast. We set out to do a couple of things this year at Leviathan. One of those was to pay respect to the 25 years of history the event has accrued. I think about the original Leviathan, held in 1999 in a little Knights of Columbus in Auburn, and the degree to which the feast has grown has been nothing less than bewildering. Because the community has so deeply embraced us as a vital part of the Realms calendar, Leviathan eventually became one of the bookmarks of the year. The event that everyone goes to. That is an extraordinary gift from all of you, to place that much trust in us year after year. We also set out to honor the long History of Rhiassa, something that was at the forefront of everything from our messaging all the way down to our decor. We were thrilled that so many historic Rhiassans joined us for the day and we are immensely thankful that all of you were a part of celebrating their presence. It is because of all of their efforts over so many years of time that Rhiassa exists to this day and that we able to engage in our mission of service to the Realms. It was important to me to be able to say ‘thank you’ and I feel confidant that we were able to that in a meaningful way. I also wanted to say thank you to everyone who gave Rhiassa a lovely gift during court. It was a very kind gesture and we’re all touched that the friendship between our nations is important to you. And ultimately, our goal at Leviathan remains what it always has been. To try and give the community the best event that we could. A day of delicious food and enjoyable entertainment. A day to celebrate one another and enjoy the friendship and camaraderie we have all earned. I do believe we succeeded in throwing one of our most successful feasts this year and that is because of the great number of people who stepped up and made it happen. I’d like to say thank you to all of those people now. Joining Lani, Jen, and I at our home and cooking the many things that needed to be prepared in advance; Nataliya K, Alyssa L, Kelly P, and Nick Q. Becoming our kitchen staff the day of the event whether all day long or just jumping in as needed to assist with the group effort; Katie S, Jax B, Siona G, Mel F, Jerry P, Angie G, Nataliya K, Kai Y, Cal M, Greg F, Kevin W, Mike L, Ellie G, Kyle Y, Jason G, Angie R, and Jen G. And for helping with those kitchen tasks and also preparing all of the dietary restriction menu items, Alyssa L and Nick Q. Running general admission and administrative tasks; Joel H and Pi F. Expertly running the Bar, S. Taylor and Ethan G. Running various tournaments and entertainment throughout the day; Tucker N, Steve Y, Kyle Y, and Paul T. Running and dealing at the Clontarf casino and Stacked Deck table; James M, Sean F, Anna H, Emily M, Becky B, and Brendon T. Providing amazing and engaging questing content throughout the day; Derek and Renee B. and the whole nation of Voraniss For running an amazing day of Cub Care; Jen G. Being an amazing herald for Court and keeping those proceedings well organized; Crystal W. Administrating the View awards; Pi F. and Crystal W. for helping him distribute them. For event photography; Kersten P. For creating the stunning centerpieces; Jason G. And another special thank you to everyone who stayed late after the event to help clean up and especially Kevin W. Katie S. Kathy H. Jerry P. Zack K. and the WPI crowd that were with them, staying until the absolute last moments to make sure everything was packed away. So that puts The Feast of the Leviathan 25 to bed. Jen, Lani, and I are already thinking about how to make next year even better and you can be assured that when next January comes around we’ll be doing our absolute best to bring you another worthy chapter in this feast series. 25 is a awesome milestone, after all, but I’ve got my heart set on doubling that number when all is said and done. I hope there’s room on the banner for that number of patches. Thank you everyone, please review the event! - Jason, Jen, and Lani
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