Chimeron Questing XXIX: Blue Town Rush Blackwood Joe and the Quarry of Quandaries

September 13 - September 15, 2024

Site is Camp Blanchard Y Camp - Sutton, MA (View Map).
Site opens at 9/13 at 5pm and closes at 9/15 at 5pm.

Event starts at 07:00 PM, on Friday September 13, 2024.
Event ends at 03:00 PM, on Sunday September 15, 2024.

Cost is $40.
Cost via is $40.00 per person.
Pre-registration is suggested.

Event Holders
Hannah Boucher
Cameron Huneke
Zachary Koval
Ryan Welch (Unofficial)
Kimberly Coffey
Registration List   (23 players)
Player characters
Sir Aelias Softshadow
Anthony Warder
Beatrice "Bee" Falco
Captain Sir Daekara
Sir Eamon Azzameen
Sir Elizah
Ser Gordon Lightfoot
Grevin Teeka
Initiate Irri
Your Friend Jean C'est Magnifique Try Baptise
Leo Hurana II
Morwen Liana Lae'lae'an tel KhaeOssrim
Liselle Silvermaple
rirSiSirS Magus Malaki
Omri Azar
Sirquire Pilpus Jainrose
Sir Tao Ya Kang
Highlord Temorse Sorowind
Sir Tempest
Ser Vesper
Hedda Whan-Hedda

Staff / NPCs
Katy Crumb
Kathy Fey
Daniel Hudon
Ethan Knight
Max McCalla
Jerry Pearce
Isaac Saff
Nixon Showalter
Eric Stegehuis
Crystal Welch
Megan Williamson
Event Description

While excavating a new mine site in Chimeron, the Happy Monster Mining Co uncovered previously-uncharted section of caverns underneath Chimeron. After some brief exploration, we believe these caves are remnants of a lost ancient civilization! A group of indepentent researchers has been exploring and documenting these caves, but recently, hostile creatures have been attacking them and their base camp. Since you all were such a big help during the Blue incident, I was hoping I could recruit you all to help discover the source of these creatures, recover the precious equipment and notes that were taken during the camp raid, and once again make the caves safe for archeological study. There will no doubt be danger and many unknowns, but I have faith in you all! :)

Please let me know if you can help,
Squire Ryu Goldscale
Second to the Warlord of Chimeron

Rules Changes and Notes

Regular Special Rules

The Code of Conduct+, Trappings of Civilization, Story Shards, and Chimeron Regionals will be in effect at this event. Please note that the Trappings of Civilization were updated earlier this year so that Knightly Powers are no longer mutually exclusive with other Trappings. Additionally, Trappings of Civilization now provides Knightly Gauntlets to PCs who meet certain requirements (this is also not mutually exclusive with other trappings).


When you spend 5 minutes in or around an area marked as a Haven, restore 2 uses of the spells Raise Dead, Repair Armor and Repair Item for each learning of that spell that you have. This restoration can only occur once per hour.

Special Calls (Updated!)

Enfeeble Being - Enfeeble Being affects PCs at this event. The effect starts as soon as the verbal (which always starts with “I declare you mundane!”) is successfully recited in full. If you are a spellcaster, you are under the effect of Suppress (see below) until your next death. If you are a fighter, you are limited to a single one-handed item or weapon until your next death. Enfeeble Being can be negated by Resist Magic, Circle of Protection, a call of Mage, or a call of Knight.

Freeze - This effect indicates that a creature has done something to freeze you in place. While frozen, you cannot move or look around, and you call “no effect” to anything that occurs to you (attacks, healing magic, etc.) this effect lasts for 30 seconds unless otherwise specified. This call is distinct from “Pause”, which is used to indicate an out-of-character pause in time for marshaling purposes. Freeze can be negated by a call of Knight.

Pause - This call will be made by a marshal to indicate an out-of-character pause in time to provide information or make marshaling calls. This call is distinct from “Freeze”, which is used to indicate an in-character effect that is inflicted on a PC. Pause cannot be negated because it is a marshalling tool.

Shatter - Breaks non-magic items, disenchants magic items, counts as a piercing blow to body/limbs. Usually delivered as a weapon blow. Shatter is negated by Aura of Protection, Protection from Boulder, Protect Item (only when the blow hits that item), an item Reinforced by Reforge (only when the blow hits that item), Resist Death (only when the blow hits your body), or a call of Knight.

Suppress - Prevents the recipient from casting new spells for 1 minute, unless an alternate duration is specified (see Enfeeble Being). Currently prepared or cast spells are still active and can be used, but not re-cast (e.g., Resist Death, Armor Piercing Weapon, Purity). Ongoing spells which require another spell to be cast for an effect (e.g., Assassin's Blade, Enchant Armor) are not directly affected, but the spellcaster may not cast the ancillary spells while Suppressed. Suppress can be negated by a call of Mage or a call of Knight.


An OOC Spaghetti Dinner will be available Friday night before game on, for a cost of $5. A light breakfast, an In Character lunch, and a full dinner will be served on Saturday, and a light brunch with leftovers will be available Sunday. There will be light dayboard fare available while players have access to the tavern. Questions about food should be directed to Kim Coffey / Mayumi,

Magic Items and In-House Items

Magic Item pre-reg is encouraged but not required. You can pre-reg your items by including them in your RealmsNet profile or by sending a message to the event staff. Please be sure to give the full name of the item as it appears on the Magic Item List. Day-of Magic Item reg is allowed, but pre-regging helps us run the event more efficiently.

In-House Items which are backed by Chimeron or nations within Chimeron can be expected to pass with their as-written powers; pre-regging these items is encouraged but not required. All other In-House Items must be pre-regged before September 2nd and should be expected to pass with limited powers or to not pass at all.

Arrows, Bows, and Weapon Safety

Some members of the event staff will be designated Weapon Safety Marshals. All bows must have their draw weight checked and all arrows must be inspected by a Weapon Safety Marshal before they are used in play. These marshals may also choose to inspect other weapons at their discretion. Weapon Safety Marshals are authorized to remove any piece of equipment from play at any time if they feel that the equipment is unsafe.


There will be an area in the big field reserved for player camps. The camping area will be live and in-character throughout the event. Combat may occur around the periphery of the camping area during the day and night quests but PCs should not expect to be attacked in the middle of the night. The interiors of tents will be considered to be OOC personal spaces and thus out of play.

Trailers may be set up in the parking lot as normal for most events on this site.

PCs can expect to have IC access to the camping area throughout the whole event. However, IC access may not always be IC safe or convenient. If you have an OOC need to get to the camping area or parking lot but feel that there is an IC obstacle between you and your tent (e.g. hostile NPCs, magical barriers, etc.) you may go out of character to go around those obstacles and access your tent/trailer/vehicle and you should remain out of character until you return to the questing party. You may not use this rule to gain an IC advantage.

Building Access

Of all the buildings on site, only the bathrooms will be consistently accessible to PCs throughout the event. All other buildings–including the normal tavern and kitchen area–will only be open to PCs during specific parts of the event.

Other Notes

Weekend Schedule

Friday Questing: 7p - 12a
Saturday Questing: 11a - 11p
Sunday Questing: 11a - 3p

Camp Blanchard Y Camp
208 Manchaug Rd
Sutton, MA

Take 290 South to 395
Take 395 to exit 4A for Sutton (There are two exit 4s. Take the one
that says Sutton Ave. Sutton.)
Go right at end of exit.
Go 3.5 miles
Turn right onto Manchaug Road (there is a sign to the camp on the
corner). The camp is approximately two miles on the right