Training Day 1 Knights of the Sable Dragon and the Wyvern College

March 02, 2024

Site is Camelot Cohousing Common House - Berlin, MA (View Map).
Site opens at 03/02/2024 11:00 AM and closes at 03/02/2024 8:00 PM.

Event starts at 12:00 PM, on Saturday March 02, 2024.
Event ends at 07:00 PM, on Saturday March 02, 2024.

Cost is $15 prereg, $20 at the door. Teachers $10.
Pre-registration is suggested.

Event Holders
Becky Baron
Justin Balanca-Hawkes (Unofficial)
Kelly Perfetto (Unofficial)
Other Contacts
Dani Lacasse (Feastocrat)
Ryan Welch
Event Description

The Knights of the Sable Dragon, in conjunction with The Wyvern College present: Training Day

This will be a day of teaching and learning, a wide variety of interesting classes throughout the day.

Another opportunity is the KoSD/Wyvern College Gear & Garb Swap
Do you have garb, armor, pouches, weapons, feast gear, props, camping gear, etc that you don't use taking up space? Bring them to the Training Day Gear & Garb Swap! The rules are simple:
-Put things you don't need anymore but another Realmsie might like on the table
-Take things from the table you do need
-If the things you brought are not taken by the end of the event, please take them back
-If you have any further questions, dont hesitate to reach out to any of us in the KoSD or Wyvern College

Class Sign-Up:
Hello everyone! Linked here is the class sign-up form for Training Day. The form closes at noon (12 pm) on Friday March 1st. You must be pre-registered to appear on the official class lists, but payment is not required until the event. Each class will have some time at the end to move to the next classes and get food. You are not required to attend a class every hour, but you have the option to do so. You will have the option to swap classes day-of into classes that have empty spaces.

List of Classes:

Food will be provided by Squire Ser Elizah. If you have any food restrictions or allergies we should be aware of, please fill out this form if they are not listed in your realmsnet account. 🙂

Rules Changes and Notes

Other rule changes may be in effect. Each classroom may have its own rules. The teacher is the marshal for their own class.