Rhiassa Presents: Feast of the Leviathan XXVI The Retirement Roast of Alexander Cecil

January 18, 2025

Site was JN Webster Boy Scout Camp - Ashford, CT.

Event Holder was Jason T Rosa.

Feastocrat was Lani Jones.

Event Description
Greetings my friends,

Every year when we start planning the Feast of the Leviathan, and thinking about its theme, we try to make sure that it’s well attuned to its place in our shared history. Our gathering is, in a lot of ways, the demarkation between each of our years together and as such we’ve always strove to make sure the thread of the event well represents what’s in our immediate past or what’s soon to come.

While it can sometimes be a challenge to fully realize what moment encapsulates our time in the history of the Realms, this year it was not a difficult task. I’m speaking, of course, of the retirement of my very good friend and brother knight, Alexander Cecil, as he steps down from his honorable reign at the helm of Chimeron.

There are many ways that we might bid goodbye to this chapter in the history of the Realms, some of which might be very solemn in nature. But for those of you who know Alexander as long as I have you understand that what befits him most is a farewell full of merriment and humor, where we can show him in no uncertain terms that his time as a central figure of our community was a joyful one. That he made countless friends. That he elevated the experiences of those around him. And that we could laugh alongside him as he made his indelible mark on the Realms.

Therefore we will give the man our congratulations in the most appropriate way I can imagine. Through stories both humorous and heartfelt, we will roast Alexander Cecil.

So, as always, we’d like to invite all of you in our community to the doors of our hall in Southland, Rhiassa. Come as you always have for the food, the games, the camaraderie. And come this year to help us cheer for a job well done by a man who has given his all to be a great king, an amazing community leader, and a peerless friend to so many of us.

Leviathan with you,
Lord Sir Aeston, Lady Dame Areni, and Lord Sir Gwen Stromgate
Event Wrap-up
Hello everyone,

It's hard to express what an honor and a privilege it is to have been able to host Feast of the Leviathan for the past 26 years. I think sometimes, since our lives tend to fall into patterns, things happening annually feel like a matter of course. And indeed sometimes I do think that way about Leviathan. 

Of course we’re going to hold it every year. Of course that roman numeral on the end is going to increment every time. Of course we’re going to put in these weeks of preparation that absolutely define and dominate our entire December and early January without fail. 

And since we’re caught up in the pattern of it, since it’s a matter of course, maybe we lose sight once in a while of how amazing it is to have done something like this twenty-six times. That it’s been a mainstay of my entire adult life. That our community has endured through dozens of changes and yet still makes Leviathan an important tradition. So while throwing Leviathan is something that we continue to do year after year like a pattern, I promise that the honor and privilege of hosting it is something we’ll always endeavor not to take for granted.

I’d like to take an opportunity to extend a deep thank you to the many, many people who helped make this year’s Feast of the Leviathan a success.

To the people who helped Jen, Lani, and I with all of the preparation, cooking, and organizing in the weeks before the event, thank you to Xandri C, Katie C, Ben H, Katie K, Siona G, Jax B, Nataliya K, Alyssa L, Nick Q, Kai Y, and Kelly P. 

To the people who helped design and execute all of the activities and tournaments throughout the day of the event, thank you to Jen G, Xandri C, Tucker N, Paul T, Steven Y, Pi F, Sean V (and his many dealers), Zach S, Trevor A, and John R along with the Knights of the Sable Dragon and their whole crew of NPCs.

To the amazing kitchen and bar staff who kept you well fed all day, thank you to Siona G, Jax B, Jerry P, Ben H, Angie R, Katie K, Peter H, Kielle H, Greg F, Kevin W, Bobby S, Alyssa L, Nataliya K, Nick Q, Kai Y, Ben P, Kelly P, Jacob K, Ethan G, S Taylor, Nixon S, Kanik H, Andrew K, and Keith P.

And to the people who helped with all the other general staffing needs and everything needed to keep the event running, including jumping in to help where needed thanks to Joel H, Kelly P, Nate C, Maria C, Kyle Y, and Ben P.

Thank you to all our vendors for giving our patrons a place to spend their gold and keeping our game’s economy rolling.

Thank you to the crew who organized and presented the View Awards and continue to make it a tradition that elevates the entire community, Pi F, Danni L, Kyra B, and Ethan G.

Thank you as well to everyone who participated in the Roast of Alexander Cecil. I know for a fact that he was humbled and honored by the many stories and jokes that were told. I can’t imagine a better way of saying thank you to one of my best friends.

Thank you to everyone who helped pack up and clean up the site, especially our dear friends from Chimeron and Eagle's Rook who were the last to leave, making sure everything got swept and put away.

And finally, once again, thank you to all of our patrons who came to Rhiassa this year to partake in the food, in the revelry, in the camaraderie, and everything else we try to offer you at Feast of the Leviathan. We’ll always work our hardest to live up to the faith you put in us in making Leviathan an enduring Realms tradition and important bookmark in the eventing year. 

See you next year at Leviathan twenty-seven!

In service,
Jason, Jen, and Lani
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