Neden BBQ 1025

April 19, 2025

Site is Lone Tree Scout Camp - Kingston, NH (View Map).
Site opens at 10:00 am and closes at 10:00 pm.

Event starts at 11:00 AM, on Saturday April 19, 2025.
Event ends at 07:01 PM, on Saturday April 19, 2025.

Cost is 30.
Cost when paid online is $30.00 ( / $30.00 (PayPal) per person.
Pre-registration is suggested (Register for Event).

Event Holders
Ethan Goldman
Callahan Marsden (Unofficial)
Event Description

The illustrious Neden Boys are back and ready to open up the Lands of Neden for a day of fighting, fun, food, and friendship.
It has been one long year minus a day since some of our friends graced our lands with their fantastic energy.
The Day will consist of: Fighting Tournaments, Non Com Tournaments, Poker, Yard Games, a Neden Scavenger Hunt, and some great grilled food.
Look for updates as we get closer
Excitedly Yours,
Lord Sir Syruss O'Leary
Ask Sir JB about all the other Titles
Join as as for the first time we are going to introduce our ancient historic custom of the Tournaments of Sobriety, engage in such sports as Straight Line Battle, Judge Dresden, and our Competitive Hydration contest.

This time, we WILL have a Stacked Deck Poker Tourny, not just poker.

Other Notes

This site takes place in Lone Tree castle, not the general area.
Lone Tree is now a wet site, so BYOB if you feel so inclined. Booze will follow Uncle Cabin rules so booze must be checked in with the Bartender and will be readministered as requested. We will have full authority to cut people off of drinking if we feel it necessary.
If any pcs want to stay overnight it is 55 dollars for a tent site or a cabin can cost around 200 bucks for 6. If you wish to make such arrangements message me.
And of course we can not forget the famous Neden can drive! Donations provide tickets for the special can auction.
There will be a poker tourney starting at 2pm a 25 gold buy in for 4000 chips, with an optional 5 gold dealers tip for an additional 1000 chips. Either one 25 gold rebuy, or one 25 gold add-on will be available any time in the first hour, which will get you another 4000 chips. This tournament will last approximately 3 hours.

Lone Tree Scout Camp
Kingston, NH

From South:
Take 495N to 125N. Stay on 125N until you see the intersection of
Newton Junction Rd. and Rt. 125. (there will be a set of lights at
the intersection). Take the right at the Lone tree Scout Council
sign. At the stop sign, go left.

From North:
101E to 125S. Stay on 125S until you see Pondview Restaurant. Take
the next left at the Lone Tree Scout Council Sign. At the stop sign,
go left.