Avalon Questing 3
February 01, 2025
Site was WPI - Worcester, MA.
Event Holder was Owen Lacey.
Event Description
With winter settled over the mortal world once more, those seeking adventure can turn to the fae realm. Avalon Questing 3 offers 3 quests. PC 2 of them, NPC 1. Each 2 hour quest slot will be different with a different team behind it. Slot 1. Owen - Low Combat *You have received a letter from an unknown sender. You can’t quite recall anyone delivering this letter to you, but here it is nonetheless. A deer skull sigil adorns the upper left corner of the envelope, and your name is written in deep purple ink in the center.* Greetings esteemed guest, You are hereby invited to the grand manor of Levenstone on the border of the Expanse of Ambivalence in the Wyld Realms on the 1st of the mortal month of Gloomfrost. Come prepared and dressed for an evening of feasting, revelry, and entertainment. All under my roof will be my guests, and sheltered from harm, lien, and obligation so long as I live. Gracefully yours, Duke Hala del’Rhomar Slot 2. Randy & Kathy - Medium Combat In a quiet village in the woods, there have been some unusual events as of late. An empty field had a large meadow appear seemingly overnight. Locals who have gone to explore this corn field like area have been reported missing. Farmers have also reported missing cattle and possibly large footprints. The local cobbler has also woken up to massive piles of completed shoes that she does not recall making. These villagers are seeking aid to help explore these mysteries. They don't have much to share as a reward aside from possibly a hearty meal and their appreciation. Slot 3. Hillary - High Combat A call for help has emerged from deep within the Wildes. A strange call, one not formed in the common tongue or the elven. No, it was a strange and lilting form of the Draconic language which cried out for help in the dreams of those who heard it. Which raises the question. What is there for a faerie dragon to fear?
Event Wrap-up
OOC: Hello everyone! Thank you to everyone who came to Avalon Questing 3 this weekend! It was awesome to see so many people at the event. Thank you to Hillary, Randy, and Kathy for throwing excellent quests in their modules and providing the complete range of combat levels at this event. And thank you to Tucker who provided the walls to help set up the rooms, Randy and Kathy for various props, garb, and boffers, and Nate and John who helped me so much running and marshalling my unusual quest. And finally, a big thank you to everyone who NPCed the event, whether a single module, or all three of them! IC, a letter from Sophia (Owen’s Module): Greetings, Adventurers of the Realms, I thank you for your efforts in attempting to restore my father. I understand you were unable to save him, and understand even better now that I hold his power why that was so. Since your departure the Manor of Levenstone and its surroundings have adapted to my rule and have truly become my own domain, not part of another. However, I have started to see darkness creeping in the Expanse nearby. Friends of mine have travelled there and not returned. This will be a task for another time though, for now, we will rest and recover our strength. I hope to see you again in the future, and under better circumstances. Sophia del’Rhomar, Duchess of Resolution in Conflict
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